SHELTERS - do they make a difference?

SHELTERS - do they make a difference?

In this chronilogical age of insecurity, if you found yourself suddenly homeless and maybe penniless - what would you do?

Logically you probably would head for a homeless shelter because shelters operate to aid the needy using a bed and food. BUT, what happens next�.same problem next day and the next and the next. Before you know it, your self esteem is at risk of rock bottom. Couch surfing (one of the most dominant form of homelessness) in a mates place is easily the most common approach as the next step. Unfortunately, some friends appear to shun you in your darkest hour and thus homeless people become too embarrassed to ask friends for help. Homeless Shelter

The following traumatic step is asking the us government for an emergency handout�This can be quite a very short lived direction to consider and begs the issue, is there a long term solution to this problem?


Thankfully, yes. Sheltered by Grace is really making a difference. SBG is really a homeless shelter on Brisbane�s Southside determined at Waterford.

Sheltered by Grace concentrate on the individual, they do not close the entranceway to a client once they feel, and the client feels they're ready to enter the private rental market sector because of the ongoing and extensive support system in place up to that point.

By extending a wide open door policy beyond a long term stay SBG shows the trust built by the client is truly warranted and secure. This can be by far the biggest reason for difference Sheltered by Grace needs to other shelters.


Unlike SBG - other shelters are government funded and ought to operate under given guidelines as his or her funding is subject to those parameters.

Other homeless shelters aren't self sustaining models, not easily duplicated and was once restricted to the industry standard of a 3 month placement limited to a needy person, which unfortunately tended to be very much like a revolving door.

Sheltered by Grace is really a non- profit organization and does not receive government funding. This is also why they rely on your continued support. Donate now.

Homeless shelters are getting to be less prevalent today as funding is fixed. Some are going into aged care support while there is greater funding available. Homeless Shelters


Sheltered by Grace believe their systematic way of transformation is a sound way of self - sustainment and required to the individual wellbeing of each homeless person striving toward rebuilding their lives, because it provides long term results.

To provide such in-depth support is vital to effectiveness and for this same reason it is also costly. This is why your support is a lot sought after and very much appreciated.

The approach to rebuilding an individual�s self esteem and dignity allows the homeless citizen to seriously contemplate the possibility of rejoining work as a valued person in the community. This is the ultimate goal of a truly noble and worthy homeless shelter.


One of many problems faced by homeless persons will be the lack of ability to support themselves in everyday survival: things such as getting a shower, clean clothes, dealing with interviews or doctors, a roof over one�s head, nutritional and sustaining food inside our belly, human company- and then we are not alone.

These are things many of us take for granted.

This is where proper guidance can hold and assist tremendously.

All shelters do provide food, showers along with a bed, most shelters provide some clean clothes, sadly merely a very few provide the rest, to ensure the revolving door problem.

Thankfully you can get full case management support (someone walking beside you your turmoil, helping you achieve medical help, anticipating your next step) someone to help you grow emotionally, standing up with you for your rights, liaising with Centrelink on your behalf, getting you to an interview, have a cup of coffee with you along with a chat.

This is what our homeless need to acquire back on their feet properly and permanently. This ought to be the norm not the exception, could you agree?



Our homeless can overall be categorized into 3 areas.

Those down on their luck. When someone is living on their financial edge. This can happen due to a chain of unanticipated events that befall them. This group is resilient and can generally bounce back.

Some always require assistance. This group, due to the hardships faced and inability to sustain health issues facing them (homeless people take a lot longer to get over health issues due to their perplexities) - they will need reminders to consider medication and a follow up service is required.

Some learn how to play the system. We supply heard the expression �you often leads a horse to water however you can�t make it drink.� So true.

The reality is that you just cannot help everyone who is homeless. There are so many worth our help, yet like every areas of our society, additionally, there are some determined to take part in the system, milk it and never give back.

The government needs to find an alternative approach to approach to eliminate the misuse of funds to the people who will not co-operate for own good.


Remarkable folks have been homeless. Be aware.

Halle Berry Actress

Hilary Swank Actress

Chris Gardner movie script �Pursuit of Happiness� now stockbroker

Shania twain Singer

Colonel Sanders �Kentucky Fried Chicken� founder.

Charlie Chaplin Comedy Actor

Benjamin Franklin American President

Jesus Universal Mentor we should all attempt to emulate.

Matthew 8:19-20 �The son of man has no place to lay his head�

Impressive list, isn�t it.

The stigma connected with being homeless isn't warranted but the help necessary for our fellow man who's homeless is most warranted, particularly for Sheltered By Grace homeless shelter.

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